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Laws of the game

Hello Sailor

Well-Known Member
Unfortunately the old thread with this title is closed. If there is a better existing thread can administrator pls move this?
If top flight refs are uncertain about the hand ball rule I dont feel so bad.
I get that changes like "unnaturally large silhouette" are intended to give guidance on intent to handle the ball but they really just makes things more complex and subjective.
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Capn Gus Bloodbeard

Well-Known Member
Typical - even the 'explainer' is making errors.

"says that if the ball is either kicked or headed by a player and the ball then goes on to their own arm, it is not handball unless "

No, that was removed from the laws. As to whether IFAB want it to be a consideration, who knows? It's that lack of clarity which is a problem. Most will take it as some consideration.

In this instance - yes, arm in a natural position for the movement, ball has come unexpectedly at too close a range to reach, and has deflected off his body as a result - those are all considerations
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Hello Sailor

Well-Known Member
Maybe I'm naive, ignorant, or the rules have changed but I thought mangers weren't supposed to coach from the sideline. Yes, it happens every game when instructions are shouted out, and professional fouls are a part of the game, but I'm watching nuke-arseholes against the nix. Subs at 77 mins have been caught on camera taking notes out to the players. Is it a rule or not? Maybe one honoured in the breach than the observance?
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Hello Sailor

Well-Known Member
In case anyone else was wondering the same-this just in from the horse's mouth {IFAB}

"This was changed some years ago as it was felt unreasonable to stop the coach undertaking his/her job.
However, only one coach (from each team) is allowed to convey instructions at any one time."

Capn Gus Bloodbeard

Well-Known Member
It's written into the LOTG that they're allowed to convey tactical instructions from the TA, but only one is for some reason. Not something anybody is ever going to enforce.

As for taking notes out - IFAB are silent on this. I remember this being discussed on social media when the Matildas intercepted a note. I'm inclined to think it's against the spirit of the game, though I was in the minority amongst refs there. With no specific guidance it's up to the ref on the day.

Hello Sailor

Well-Known Member
It's written into the LOTG that they're allowed to convey tactical instructions from the TA, but only one is for some reason. Not something anybody is ever going to enforce.

As for taking notes out - IFAB are silent on this. I remember this being discussed on social media when the Matildas intercepted a note. I'm inclined to think it's against the spirit of the game, though I was in the minority amongst refs there. With no specific guidance it's up to the ref on the day.
Thanks CGB. The footage showed a close up of the player getting the note and reading it. I was surprised that the the commentators didn't discus this and it got me wondering.


Well-Known Member
Ok guys just a question I just seen.
A direct free kick is kicked directly into a teams own goal what Is awarded?

A goal
B retake
C a corner to the opposition

Capn Gus Bloodbeard

Well-Known Member

Won't take effect in CCF comps until next year, as always. Biggest change is probably that non-deliberate handball offences that are DOGSO resulting in a PK will only receive a yellow card, kind of like how fouls are now only a YC if they're an attempt to play the ball and it's in the PA. So, basically anything except a goalkeeper save on the line will be YC (and if it would only be a YC normally, say for stopping a promising attack, it's now no card if in the box, same as fouls).

My problem with this is that as a defender, you may as well just make sure you have your arms up to block the potential kick every time you're making a desperate lunge where they're likely to score. You'd be dumb not to.

Other minor points...captains armbands are now mandatory (though the other details around that seem to be a knee-jerk reaction to ensuring there aren't armbands aren't displaying social, political or human-rights messages in countries that really don't like it) , clarified that at a penalty kick, the ball can be positioned so any part is overhanging the spot (which will be great fun on CCF fields where you have foot-wide mark, a foot away from where it's supposed to be).
couple of other minor things.

The armband one annoys me a little....it's a bit like the laws around undershorts being the correct colour and all that. This sort of thing should be down to competition rules. Implement it in professional games, but keep it out of O/35 C grade and U/11F matches.

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