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CCM vs Victory Away

Forum Phoenix

Well-Known Member
Club was pretty pissed that dressing room spray aired after Paramount said they’d cut it.

Good to hear that. So they should. But I was actually referring to Monty in this weeks press conference naming Hall. Seemed to be speaking his mind.

Also repeatedly saying the main reason we lost was giving away sloppy goals... which after naming Hall was pointing at Hall. But for mine the reason we lost that game was on every single player if it was on anyone at all.


Well-Known Member
Yeah and nah on the ‘sloppy goals’.

If the goals we are conceding are from turn overs trying to find passes from midfield to front.
Which is a lot of them!

As I have probably annoyingly mentioned our wide backs are already in line with our centre mids, meaning we only have the 2 CB’s behind the ball for counter and the wide backs chasing for their lives!

So as for ‘shutting down’ potential shots the CB’s are back pedalling facing their bodies towards sideline hoping to get the ball carrier to move wide and give us time to get back into position.

But evidently and consistently at some point one of our CB have to start charging the ball carrier when they sense a shot coming but by that time it’s too late to make a block, hence why it has been mentioned we are close to shutting down the shots but not close enough to block.

And it seems like the wide backs aren’t doing their job but they are instructed to be ready to recieve the long wide ball over the heads of the opposing back line alot of the time
(So now our wide backs are in the forward line)

So, how do we fix our defence!

* Try 1/2 games where our wide backs stay more inline and pass them the ball rather than long crosses.

* Those wide fullbacks then let the ball do the work!!!!
Pass to a CM or wide mid to create a triangle!
Wow. Crazy right.

* And now our wide back are still ready incase of a turn over.


Ancient Mariner

Well-Known Member
Great post Ads.

This is why it is so frustrating to read here that this loss was caused by (name any centre half), or that Kaltak has to stop these desperate last ditch tackles because if he mistimes it he will get a card.. (even though he saves our arses again and again, with last ditch defending).

With the way we are playing our centre halves are being hung out to dry, especially as now oppositions can now clearly see our vulnerability. Serious time for plan B.

There has been a lot of death riding and lack of respect between contributors, on this forum of late, which has for years been very reasonable and one of the few social media that does not go over the top. I have found extremely upsetting and contributed, along with refs and VAR to my over the top outburst and threat to walk.

I am still here just by the fingernails at the moment, but game days are so frustrating that I am still considering pulling the plug. As I have been here since the start and never felt this way, even through the "bad times", it shows how bad I see things.

There comes a time to say enough is enough. I will make that decision soon in the clear light of day. When I do I will list my reasons and say farewell rather than leaving with a dummy spit.

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Well-Known Member
Great post Ads.

This is why it is so frustrating to read here that this loss was caused by (name any centre half), or that Kaltak has not stop these desperate last ditch tackles because if he mistimes it he will get a card.. (even though he saves our arses again and again, with last ditch defending).

With the way we are playing our centre halves are being hung out to dry, especially as now oppositions can now clearly see our vulnerability. serious time for plan B.

There has been a lot of death riding and lack of respect between contributors, on this forum of late, which has for years been very reasonable and one of the few social media that does not go over the top. I have found extremely upsetting and contributed, along with refs and VAR to my over the top outburst and threat to walk.

I am still here just by the fingernails at the moment, but game days are so frustrating that I am still considering pulling the plug. As I have been here since the start and never felt this way, even through the "bad times", it shows how bad I see things.

There comes a time to say enough is enough. I will make that decision soon in the clear light of day. When I do I will list my reasons and say farewell rather than leaving with a dummy spit.

I know this feeling, though I'm maybe not so close.

Things are WAY better than the dark ages we just went through. But I think our camel is so loaded with straw after those dark ages that straws raining onto it's back is still sometimes a straw too far


Well-Known Member
I got the feeling from watching TV the surface was slow and with the colder temperature the ball did not roll as quickly as usual. Was the pitch watered before the game?

There was no press from MV and they just waited for the ball to get to our midfield players and smothered us as soon as the ball arrived ruining any attack we were attempting to set up


Well-Known Member
I got the feeling from watching TV the surface was slow and with the colder temperature the ball did not roll as quickly as usual. Was the pitch watered before the game?

There was no press from MV and they just waited for the ball to get to our midfield players and smothered us as soon as the ball arrived ruining any attack we were attempting to set up
Wasn't watered while I was there, and I got there when the gates opened.

Forum Phoenix

Well-Known Member
Great post Ads.

This is why it is so frustrating to read here that this loss was caused by (name any centre half), or that Kaltak has to stop these desperate last ditch tackles because if he mistimes it he will get a card.. (even though he saves our arses again and again, with last ditch defending).

With the way we are playing our centre halves are being hung out to dry, especially as now oppositions can now clearly see our vulnerability. Serious time for plan B.

There has been a lot of death riding and lack of respect between contributors, on this forum of late, which has for years been very reasonable and one of the few social media that does not go over the top. I have found extremely upsetting and contributed, along with refs and VAR to my over the top outburst and threat to walk.

I am still here just by the fingernails at the moment, but game days are so frustrating that I am still considering pulling the plug. As I have been here since the start and never felt this way, even through the "bad times", it shows how bad I see things.

There comes a time to say enough is enough. I will make that decision soon in the clear light of day. When I do I will list my reasons and say farewell rather than leaving with a dummy spit.


Football and being a Mariners fan in particular can be so infuriating you do have to wonder what the hell you're doing being a fan at times. Given the strange absence of Monty taking my weekly genius forum advice, my own subsequent plan B Ancient is to make as many jokes as possible while watching with my family.

Take that 3 year old who was absolutely balling at the start of the victory game coverage...

We had a lot of debate over whether it was because he wanted a bucket or a flare. The way his hand was clenching, it clearly looked like a flare request to me. We should conduct a poll...

The commentary can nearly always be relied upon to offer up absolute bollocks. Some of the opposing coaches are pure comedy gold. Our football has improved, but hey it's still laughable at times. And the referees, okay you might think they're so bad it's just not funny, but tune in to Marko cam and wait for a bad call... that shit's amazing.

As to the forum, agree that I prefer decorum and a bit of humility and less absolutism at times. So I just tune out and have a bit of a digital detox every now and then when it's getting annoying.

You know what they say... don't sweat the small stuff. And all this shit is certainly just small stuff.

Be well mate,

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Ancient Mariner

Well-Known Member
Thanks Sensei. Appreciated as always.
Trying to be reasonable and logical about the way I feel. The trouble is when I use logic the answer always is WTF am I doing here.
The issues are mainly the League and partly the Club and have been building almost since day 1 when the A-League started and we all had stars in our eyes.
Many of the issues are minor, some are major. The problem is, as Ironbark correctly pointed out, enough straws and the camel's back is broken, or in my case the stars that covered my eyes have finally fallen from my eyes and I have realised that they not really stars but were really scales and I can see clearly now and it is not a pretty sight.
I will not make any decision in haste and am wondering whether it would be wise to list reasons if I go. Too much negativity can be infectious.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Sensei. Appreciated as always.
Trying to be reasonable and logical about the way I feel. The trouble is when I use logic the answer always is WTF am I doing here.
The issues are mainly the League and partly the Club and have been building almost since day 1 when the A-League started and we all had stars in our eyes.
Many of the issues are minor, some are major. The problem is, as Ironbark correctly pointed out, enough straws and the camel's back is broken, or in my case the stars that covered my eyes have finally fallen from my eyes and I have realised that they not really stars but were really scales and I can see clearly now and it is not a pretty sight.
I will not make any decision in haste and am wondering whether it would be wise to list reasons if I go. Too much negativity can be infectious.

How about we list the positives Rod.


Well-Known Member
im not writing this because of current form, but I was surprised to see
we let stajc go, our current form does make me wonder with this squad where
we might be at under his leadership? thoughts?


Well-Known Member
im not writing this because of current form, but I was surprised to see
we let stajc go, our current form does make me wonder with this squad where
we might be at under his leadership? thoughts?

Staj lost the dressing sheds and didn’t have strength to turn it around. His situation was untenable.

When similar forces tried to undermine Monty he was able to arrest the situation, let some protagonists go, while others pulled into line.


Well-Known Member
Great post Ads.

This is why it is so frustrating to read here that this loss was caused by (name any centre half), or that Kaltak has to stop these desperate last ditch tackles because if he mistimes it he will get a card.. (even though he saves our arses again and again, with last ditch defending).

With the way we are playing our centre halves are being hung out to dry, especially as now oppositions can now clearly see our vulnerability. Serious time for plan B.

There has been a lot of death riding and lack of respect between contributors, on this forum of late, which has for years been very reasonable and one of the few social media that does not go over the top. I have found extremely upsetting and contributed, along with refs and VAR to my over the top outburst and threat to walk.

I am still here just by the fingernails at the moment, but game days are so frustrating that I am still considering pulling the plug. As I have been here since the start and never felt this way, even through the "bad times", it shows how bad I see things.

There comes a time to say enough is enough. I will make that decision soon in the clear light of day. When I do I will list my reasons and say farewell rather than leaving with a dummy spit.

Have felt similar over the years.... and not only about the Mariners but about many things in Football in Australia...

My solution if that is the right word has been to become less involved and simply ignore many things....otherwise its soul destroying...

As a sport the toxic culture in Australian Football IMO is its biggest challenge.... there is no grand plan more its various tribes screaming their own wants .... unity as far back as I can remember has never occurred.... or anything even close to it....

The most frustrating thing for me is we have many examples world over of what could be achieved for example both the J - League and MLS while totally different systems have been hugely successful and both 20 years ago were not that different to ours....

As for the site taking on a far more FB attack approach I have noticed that as well and forums are far less used today .... my suggestion is anyone wanting to disagree with a poster is to explain it rather than shout it... kinda command respect rather than demand respect for your ideas...

Good luck with your thoughts

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