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A league media deal thread


Well-Known Member
Bout f****n time.
Not great losing the main channel visibility or the W going to 10 play which is pretty rubbish but extra ALM FTA games is a decent trade off. Starting to get the feeling those P+ improvements arent going to be there for season kick off though. I've been an optimist but they really need to get their shit together.


Well-Known Member
Not great losing the main channel visibility or the W going to 10 play which is pretty rubbish but extra ALM FTA games is a decent trade off. Starting to get the feeling those P+ improvements arent going to be there for season kick off though. I've been an optimist but they really need to get their shit together.
Yes telling there was no mention of upgrades of the platform. All sounds positive to an outsider who is not aware heaps of people have paid a subscription however can not access the platform until the magic codes appear.

Rising Sun

Well-Known Member
Not great losing the main channel visibility or the W going to 10 play which is pretty rubbish but extra ALM FTA games is a decent trade off. Starting to get the feeling those P+ improvements arent going to be there for season kick off though. I've been an optimist but they really need to get their shit together.
Getting dumped from the main channel to a subsidiary channel is seriously bad news and everything thing else mentioned in that article was just putting lipstick on the pig.

The other key takeaway was what was NOT said in the article. In an article trying to sell all the positives of this seasons broadcast arrangements, this was an ideal time to shout about all the improvements to the P- app. The fact it was crickets on that topic doesn't bode well.


Well-Known Member
Getting dumped from the main channel to a subsidiary channel is seriously bad news and everything thing else mentioned in that article was just putting lipstick on the pig.

The other key takeaway was what was NOT said in the article. In an article trying to sell all the positives of this seasons broadcast arrangements, this was an ideal time to shout about all the improvements to the P- app. The fact it was crickets on that topic doesn't bode well.
It’s all right cause Good Bloke is all over it. Just like he did nothing about us getting shafted by bias officiating last season. A month out from the season it’s probably time to start advertising it so people at least know where they can watch it not matter how crap P- are.


Well-Known Member
Where can you lay blame though? Last season was really messed up by covid. In that Dec - maybe Feb window there were games rescheduled all over the place, midweek fixtures at crap times and as a result advertising dropped off.

The ratings system is massively flawed too and doesnt do football any favors. A game might attract 10k but then only rate 40k for the whole country? I find that a bit hard to believe tbh.

IMO 10 are being dicks by bumping them to the secondary channel and not showing more patience but if the league can improve their numbers this season they may yet get back to the main channel. As long as the promos hit the main channel too we'll be fine. The other possibility is something else has come up like 7 dumping the big bash and 10 is trying to find space for that.


Well-Known Member
It's ridiculous that we've handed cash over months ago and still don't have access to the service.

How many seasons was the P- deal for? (just looked it up, 5 seasons, another 4 more to go incl. this one) I'd even rather pay 3 times as much to get it back with Fox at this point. At least Kayo was a full featured platform.

Is it these clowns that have got the WC coverage as well?

Edit: thankfully not, WC on SBS for free.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
So much work needs to be done to make this season and the next a success and get more people watching but that is no easy feat. Those lost to the game last season with many not having P- or being bothered with another streaming service has caused damage that may take 5 years to repair or possibly irreversible. APL seem clueless on how to fix this, marquee players and a new Allianz will provide a small sugar hit but if it is not easily accessible to more people it’s out of mind out of sight. They need to promo the hell out of it. Are they capable, probably not judging by their efforts to date.

Rising Sun

Well-Known Member
Where can you lay blame though?
IMO the APL have been extremely complacent, I think they thought that they had done the hard work by securing the $150m war chest and a broadcast deal that included Saturday night FTA on a main channel with plenty of high profile cross-promotion, and the rise and rise of the game was a formality from there.

Covid impacted all sports and I don't think any sports had the steady and consistent ratings slide that we did, but the APL could ignore red flags on the ratings because they could blame covid and were confident that the war chest and TV deal would be a magic wand going forward

Danny GB said back in February that he would be starting to share all the strategic initiatives "over the next couple of months" that were going to change things around - but it has been largely crickets since then.

So when the game is on a downward ratings trajectory and the APL's strategic contribution to fix it is to sign Nani then you can't blame Ch 10 for cutting their losses and relegating us to minor channels (as they would any other underperforming program).


Well-Known Member
I must admit I have not watched much on 10 Bold however I’m pretty sure it is not a HD channel either. 10 showing real respect to football taking FTA games from the main HD channel to a SD secondary channel. Now that’s progress.


Well-Known Member
IMO the APL have been extremely complacent, I think they thought that they had done the hard work by securing the $150m war chest and a broadcast deal that included Saturday night FTA on a main channel with plenty of high profile cross-promotion, and the rise and rise of the game was a formality from there.
They started off ok, not amazing but ok. There were ads, Archie had been on master chef and there was cross promotion. There were some early issues around the coverage but mostly ironed out early. P+ obviously still a sore piuntThen covid disruptions hit and it looked like both parties said let’s ride this out and save our advertising budget which wasn’t too unreasonable. Things did pick up again quite late in the season.

Covid impacted all sports and I don't think any sports had the steady and consistent ratings slide that we did, but the APL could ignore red flags on the ratings because they could blame covid and were confident that the war chest and TV deal would be a magic wand going forward
Football was in a fragile place that other major sports weren’t. That’s a result of years of neglect and last season was supposed to be the one where APL finally had full autonomy after the FA separation, their best chance to start turning the tide and then it went to shit. Even without the disruptions it was always going to be a mammoth task to turn around in one season and 10 seemed to understand that.

IMO this season is the one where they need to go all in. Get back into schools and the community which wasn’t an option last season. Plug the FTA slots heavily. P+ for club members. Affordable tickets. Consistent and reliable fixtures. Back active support. Improve the coverage & panelists.

They do need to start delivering more and this fiasco with the P+ codes is a worry because it says the APL can’t work well with their broadcast partner.

Rising Sun

Well-Known Member
IMO this season is the one where they need to go all in. Get back into schools and the community which wasn’t an option last season. Plug the FTA slots heavily. P+ for club members. Affordable tickets. Consistent and reliable fixtures. Back active support. Improve the coverage & panelists.
100%, all this and lots more. They need a comprehensive strategy to turn things around. I am not optimistic though. I worry that the strategy is built more around the sugar fixes only. Allianz will solve all SFC's problems; WSW will start winning and all their fans from the early days will miraculously reappear. Hey presto the big 2 in each of the big 2 cities will be dominating and the crowds will be back and all APL needs to do is throw the big 4 the marquee fund money to make sure they do continue to dominate. It might work but I don't think there is a Plan B.


Well-Known Member
100%, all this and lots more. They need a comprehensive strategy to turn things around. I am not optimistic though. I worry that the strategy is built more around the sugar fixes only. Allianz will solve all SFC's problems; WSW will start winning and all their fans from the early days will miraculously reappear. Hey presto the big 2 in each of the big 2 cities will be dominating and the crowds will be back and all APL needs to do is throw the big 4 the marquee fund money to make sure they do continue to dominate. It might work but I don't think there is a Plan B.
You forgot about employing biased refs to make sure the results go the way the league wants.

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