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Well-Known Member
Just checking for my slightly neurotic brain, but you mean third highest scorer in a single season yeah? 😅

You piqued my interest...Torres makes the top 10 ever which surprised me.



Well-Known Member
sort off yes . but edo doesn't get into position well .
He gets in some great positions and makes some very good runs but they either aren't seen, we dont pass to him or we delay too long and he ends up offside / defender covers. Some of our mids & wings need to get on his level or over their egos.

But we've also been blaming travel and the pitch. Frankly I thought Kant was a far better team on the night.
They were but they didnt make us crap like Sydney did when they played out of their skin and pressed like crazy. We were garbage even without anyone under immediate pressure in a way we haven't seen from this team. The obvious variables are travel and the pitch.


Well-Known Member
I think Edmo just needs time. Visa players always take a while to adjust and especially those on the younger side seem to need a bit longer.

Tùlio and Torres didn't set the world on fire in their first few months, same with Doka. Same with Kraev, Salas and Clough.

Apart from the Cumdingo our January recruits tend to need a pre-season to get going. Edmo is a longer term prospect, one Jacko knows well, who hadn't played much before he came. Just needs time and patience, and we reap a dividend at the end of it.


Well-Known Member
I think he is - just like McBreen was. He did it once - for us - in a long career. If you have the right setup he will do well.
I love your enthusiasm and I hope it works out with Edmo.
My issue with Edmo eventually coming good is he will leave for free to Sydney FC or back home at zero bonus for us.
If Edmo is a future 10 plus goal striker then we need to lock him in. Like we did Kaltac and hopefully Niz. Fine if they leave for a fee but this free business needs to stop.

How many more seasons can we continually lose our best players up to half the team then rebuild another successful team from roughies


Well-Known Member
My issue with Edmo eventually coming good is he will leave for free to Sydney FC or back home at zero bonus for us.
If Edmo is a future 10 plus goal striker then we need to lock him in. Like we did Kaltac and hopefully Niz. Fine if they leave for a fee but this free business needs to stop.

How many more seasons can we continually lose our best players up to half the team then rebuild another successful team from roughies
We have him contracted until the end of the 25-26 season. Was a 2.5 season deal.


Well-Known Member
Given the current state of the NPL side who knows. Some good prospects but none are anywhere near a league starting ready.

This time out recruitment is going to be more important than how many we bring up from the academy team.
Who would’ve thought it might have been a good idea to retain players like Windust, Bayliss, Segreto, Bayliss, Hammond, Beach…….


Well-Known Member
With Israel launching missiles at Iran today and the government telling Aussies to leave Israel I wouldn't be going anywhere near the middle east at the moment. I wonder if any of this is going to impact the final.

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
With Israel launching missiles at Iran today and the government telling Aussies to leave Israel I wouldn't be going anywhere near the middle east at the moment. I wonder if any of this is going to impact the final.
No way. They never go near the rich states.


Well-Known Member
Who would’ve thought it might have been a good idea to retain players like Windust, Bayliss, Segreto, Bayliss, Hammond, Beach…….
Who made the call on all of them? Surely wasn’t Jacko?
Who’s actually taken over Ken’s role in regards to the academy? Simmo?

I agree with you, many of those boys should’ve been kept on. We f**ked up on that one… but I see the idea the club has come up with, seems like they’ve got this new group in to build them up together for in… let’s say, 2-3 seasons time be ready.
It just doesn’t make sense, quite a few of the previous group were perfectly ready for aleague and could’ve been kept on for atleast this season and played some academy etc.

I wanna know who made that call to basically start again, early, with academy 1st grade.

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