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CCF Administration


Active Member
Got an email from my club delegate to say last night's CCF deleagate meeting was more boring than usual.
President does not seem to care, nor does judiciary director. Director of Reps, does not matter if he is there or not. He just speaks down on anyone who says anything against what he wants. Justy relies on CCF HPM, for whom we are paying wages to do his job for him, (so why do the clubs pay the HPM wages?). So even if he attends or not does not attend it does no matter. From another source he also regularly does not bother to attend directors meetings.
Directors of Marketting, Compettions, Properties and Registrations try to do their bit but Direxctor of Finance should be renamed Director of CCF. He takes over everything and derides his other Directors. Seems weDo not need a Board, just him., unfortunately they do not seem to stand up to him.
Major person missing from meeting was was the Draw Administrator. He is the oinly one who has been seen to show sense at previous meetings and the only one who seemed willing to do something and make a decision although according to my delegate, one or more of the board seemed to not appreciate. Various rumours are circulating as why he was not there.. Hope he does not give up as is rumoured. Nobody else could do his job with the consideration he gives to all teams and Clubs.
Back to the main stream of this thread. Why have these meetings? Seems a waste of time. Hav raised various matters with my delegate and fixtures officer over last few years.Those that have raised at these delegates meetings have bee tossed under the tble in most cases. As stated above it seems the only case that an honest answer has ben given  was when the drws bloke was there to answer. It seems that only when he has answerered has a satisfactory answer been received either in our favour or against. One thing we seem to be able to rely upon is tha we get an honest answer from him.
The rest of the Board need to stand up and be counted.


Active Member
Sorry stuffed up.
Just got home from work when I read email from my club delagate and pressed wrong  button sending imy submission before I meant to.
Just wanted to add that I hoped I had not crucified anyone in my email.
Hope they do not shoot draw bloke because I gave him a couple of ticks.
Respect CCF directors for what they are trying to do. Just wonder why they put up with others?


Well-Known Member
I do not agree with all 'truesoccer' says but I feel there are only some on CCF board are there for right reasons.
Lightning Director deserves a special mention though.
At CCF previouse delegate meeting he was questioned extensively about their grand forward plan.
According to my clubs delegate he was very evasive which ties up with ttuesoccers comments. According to my delreagates report on latest meeting, despite promises at previous meeting, he did not produce such report on same .
I would ask the Director of Representave Football or what ever his  Lightning title is to give us an answer why he will not produce a copy of this report or at least an honest precis of same. Would it reveal how much you and I as ordinary club members and parents of ordinary cluns junior players acyully pay and will br expected to pay to support a majority of teams who are going no where or the excessive wage of a High Performance Manager, whose wages we payand whose spent of time is 100% to rep soccer or anothe rinterest in the same vein.

Going bak to my opening sentence I would agree with one thing 'truesoccer' says.
The bloke who does the draws deserves a lot of respect. Knowing who doe that job and how much work he puts in he dserves every bit of credit he gets. He gets paid a pittance for what he does. He will kill me for saying so as his favourite expression over the past 20 odd years is tht he does it for soccer. Except fot the last 3 or 4 he did what he does now for nothing.

I apreciate the Directors do not receive renumeration for their services but, Director of Reps, we expect honesty and integrity. What, if anything, do you have to hide?

voice of reason

Well-Known Member
dibo said:
why is it always two post wonders who start these threads?

'cos truesoccer loves talking to himself....we all know ccf is dysfunctional but the audience on this forum that is sufficiently interested in administrative detail is too small to make it a worthless exercise...


Well-Known Member
dibo said:
why is it always two post wonders who start these threads?

and the worst when it comes to spelling and grammer

all this CCF crap cracks me up given that the directors are elected office bearers and that each club (and therefore each registered player) has a direct say through their club delegates

if people are unhappy it is time for the person complaining to get more active through their delgate - or better still become a delegate themselves

you are either part of the problem or solution


Well-Known Member
marinermick said:
dibo said:
why is it always two post wonders who start these threads?

and the worst when it comes to spelling and grammer

all this CCF crap cracks me up given that the directors are elected office bearers and that each club (and therefore each registered player) has a direct say through their club delegates

if people are unhappy it is time for the person complaining to get more active through their delgate - or better still become a delegate themselves

you are either part of the problem or solution

Not quite as cut and dried as you portray ,,,

When Toukley tried to get more control  back to the Clubs with a motion at the AGM, they were defeated on semantics rather than a vote on what was truly wanted. What had been happening was the Board (in particular the Director of Comps) had been changing things without the consensus (or even a discussion) of the member clubs. You only have to look at the 102 pages of regs and in particular the fines section to see what the plan is to recoup lost money from previous years. Add to that, the latest dictum from the Director of Judiciary regarding the penalties that can be incurred and you have to wonder just how big this stick is gonna get. For an Association whose mantra is getting people on the park to play and enjoy, why are there so many rules to ensure we don't?
It's not as if we actually play for anything (PL1 winners get jack for winning). Why is it so regimented then? Why are they so anal about filling out team sheets?
I played Sunday league in England and whoever turned up to play, played ,, end of story. Do we have to take it so seriously that the administration overwhelms the most important facet?... playing the game?
Ask any manager they will tell you that they despise having to fret about filling the sheet out correctly, (this is in addition to collecting refs fees, organising teams etc ...) ... and the CCF have all these fines for not doing it correctly. WHY ? We are an amateur association .. any fines whatsoever fly in the face of everything we do to get kids (and adults) on the park.

Every Club works hard to get Sponsorship (unlike the CCF, or if they do where have we seen the benefit? ), and fundraise their guts out, to what end? Give more easy money back to the CCF in the form of fines for even the most innocuous of misdemeanors (eg not filling out the opposition player of the match) .. never to be returned.

It is all revenue raising .. in fact unless you actually do something that actually fiscally disadvantages some other club or person, there is NO REASON wahtsoever to take money off already financially strapped Clubs.   


Well-Known Member
I dare say the strict admin is in place to meet legal and insurance requirements and to cover their butts if something goes wrong.

I state again that the CCF is a democratic organisation that is run by the clubs, yet it is perpelxing that the clubs are the ones whinging. A bit more action and lobbying is required and less talk.


Well-Known Member
marinermick said:
I dare say the strict admin is in place to meet legal and insurance requirements and to cover their butts if something goes wrong.

Really? Explain the justification behind a $20 fine for not choosing the opposition man of the match. Or last year's absolute stunner ... $550 for forfeiting a game. Just who exactly was out of pocket $550 to justify that ?? 


Well-Known Member
hasbeen said:
marinermick said:
I dare say the strict admin is in place to meet legal and insurance requirements and to cover their butts if something goes wrong.

Really? Explain the justification behind a $20 fine for not choosing the opposition man of the match. Or last year's absolute stunner ... $550 for forfeiting a game. Just who exactly was out of pocket $550 to justify that ?? 

fines were clearly stated at the beginning of the season and ratified by the board

it's the club's admin that has failed here - not the CCF

if clubs did not like the fine system it could have easily been voted out by the delegates


Well-Known Member
marinermick said:
hasbeen said:
marinermick said:
I dare say the strict admin is in place to meet legal and insurance requirements and to cover their butts if something goes wrong.

Really? Explain the justification behind a $20 fine for not choosing the opposition man of the match. Or last year's absolute stunner ... $550 for forfeiting a game. Just who exactly was out of pocket $550 to justify that ?? 

fines were clearly stated at the beginning of the season and ratified by the board

it's the club's admin that has failed here - not the CCF

if clubs did not like the fine system it could have easily been voted out by the delegates

When could they have voted it out? The fines system is part of the Rules & Regulations 2008 released by the Director of Competitions in the off season. When queried at the AGM the questioner was told that the AGM was not the correct forum to discuss the Rules & Regs and that anybody who had a problem with any of the rules had 21 days from their release to lodge a complaint. Of course there is no ratification process outside of the Board, just a "shove it through the backdoor and hope they don't notice" policy.
When questioned about the Board's hijacking of the CCF administration process (at the AGM again), the delegates were told that's what we have a board for .. to make decisions on our behalf.
$550 (plus refs fees) for a forfeit ... that's some decision.     

Gen (MarinerMum)

Well-Known Member
Here here hasbeen.  Mick your just looking after your back.

I no longer manage as I'm not prepared for the club to cop fines.  I racked $100 in fines there about for trivial things

3x not naming player of the match - no one deserved it as the sportsmanship of the team/s was appaulling ($20 each time). 

2 x forgetting to sign the sheet as manager - racing off to next childs game as the games finished late and simply forgot.

I don't get paid, I work hard to assist my clubs with fundraising.  Club sponsors have to be approved by CCF and if they clash we cannot use them.  Rudely spoken to by directors if conflicting issues are raised in this forum.

F in football should be fun - but alas as I said many times before  many people are their to feather their own nest and do not dare stand up to the autocratic beauraucracy(stuff the spelling)

The Smart one

Active Member
Well said both Mariner Mum and Has been, also add to the fire already boiling, his not the CCF director of competitions the same bloke who did not get re elected at Umina FC because he was [Mods: blanked due to complaint received under Forum Rules, ie. inaccurate and hurtful. Benefit of doubt given to complainant as first request on a without prejudice basis].


Well-Known Member
Gen (MarinerMum) said:
Here here hasbeen.  Mick your just looking after your back.

I no longer manage as I'm not prepared for the club to cop fines.  I racked $100 in fines there about for trivial things

3x not naming player of the match - no one deserved it as the sportsmanship of the team/s was appaulling ($20 each time). 

2 x forgetting to sign the sheet as manager - racing off to next childs game as the games finished late and simply forgot.

I don't get paid, I work hard to assist my clubs with fundraising.  Club sponsors have to be approved by CCF and if they clash we cannot use them.  Rudely spoken to by directors if conflicting issues are raised in this forum.

F in football should be fun - but alas as I said many times before  many people are their to feather their own nest and do not dare stand up to the autocratic beauraucracy(stuff the spelling)

Gen, can you tell me how I am looking out for my back and what interest I have in this? I actually find this comment offensive and very disappointed that it came from you.

FFS, just vote the dickheads out. This whole defeatist attitude coming from this thread is quite clear.


Well-Known Member
hasbeen said:
marinermick said:
hasbeen said:
marinermick said:
I dare say the strict admin is in place to meet legal and insurance requirements and to cover their butts if something goes wrong.

Really? Explain the justification behind a $20 fine for not choosing the opposition man of the match. Or last year's absolute stunner ... $550 for forfeiting a game. Just who exactly was out of pocket $550 to justify that ?? 

fines were clearly stated at the beginning of the season and ratified by the board

it's the club's admin that has failed here - not the CCF

if clubs did not like the fine system it could have easily been voted out by the delegates

When could they have voted it out? The fines system is part of the Rules & Regulations 2008 released by the Director of Competitions in the off season. When queried at the AGM the questioner was told that the AGM was not the correct forum to discuss the Rules & Regs and that anybody who had a problem with any of the rules had 21 days from their release to lodge a complaint. Of course there is no ratification process outside of the Board, just a "shove it through the backdoor and hope they don't notice" policy.
When questioned about the Board's hijacking of the CCF administration process (at the AGM again), the delegates were told that's what we have a board for .. to make decisions on our behalf.
$550 (plus refs fees) for a forfeit ... that's some decision.     

did you lodge a complaint? did you cc soccer nsw and the ffa in this complaint?


Well-Known Member
well...my only complaint is that football is off :p
I would play even if I had to swim...:p
nah i guess I understand cancelling football (a couple of grounds could ahve opened but not worth it...)
that said one of the English guys in my team last year couldnt believe how easily we closed the fields- they played in worse in England!
Apart from that CCF do an allright job especially when u compare them to CCSA!

Gen (MarinerMum)

Well-Known Member
did you lodge a complaint? did you cc soccer nsw and the ffa in this complaint?

Should it be that we lodge complaint with CCF then forward it onto NSW soccer?  I guess my experience is that it never goes anywhere!  Will someone look into it from Soccer NSW or is it just an exercise?  Does someone have some experience with this process to show it works?

I'd like to hear some feedback.


Well-Known Member
Gen (MarinerMum) said:
did you lodge a complaint? did you cc soccer nsw and the ffa in this complaint?

Should it be that we lodge complaint with CCF then forward it onto NSW soccer?  I guess my experience is that it never goes anywhere!  Will someone look into it from Soccer NSW or is it just an exercise?  Does someone have some experience with this process to show it works?

I'd like to hear some feedback.

now we are getting somewhere

does anyone have experience in this area and offer the good people here some advice


Well-Known Member
Gen (MarinerMum) said:
It may sound defeatest but some of us are mum's and dad's who get involved in football at a novice level.  We don't all understand the in's and out's of the heirarchy and then find ourselves with the reprisal

We aren't all knowledgeable about laws/rules etc of football but it doesn't lessen the frustration, enjoyment, bewilderment of what happens in our kids sport.

Defeatist possibly, because there are some battles you just don't know how to fight especially when the power differential is used to ensure the holders of the knowledge and those without the knowledge are kept disadvantaged.

Makes it very hard.  When you are the one with the knowledge the road appears easily fixed.  But for those of use without that knowledge it is much harder. 

valid comment

all i am trying to get at is that CCF is a product of the clubs and therefore the members of the club

the office bearers at CCF are all office bearers or representatives of the various clubs and do so on a voluntary basis

it is easy to slag off the CCF committee, but in reality they are all we have

in saying that, they could easily be voted off if 1. someone else nominates for the position 2. clubs get organised to get what they are after

my experience is that the majority of clubs give little care on who they vote as their CCF Delegate compounding the situation and creating frustrations

in these cases you are either part of the problem or part of the solution

i have my own personal opinions on how CCF are run but given my lack of time to contribute and my not caring enough on the matter to be active, i am also part of the problem

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