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Darren Sprod's NT group

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Well-Known Member
I have read your white paper and have numerous questions as well as a lot of criticism. I have been around our sport for many years. Saw what went on in 1999 when a rebel group came out with a lot of unsubstantiated misinformation and innuendo which uninformed clubs believed or did not question. Hopefully this problem does not occur again.
In this post, Part 1, I will ask some questions.
In your white paper you state The main purpose of this white paper is to outline the current status of Central Coast FootbaII (CCF) and to give visibility to the future pIan (short and long term) if the NT group is elected to the Board of CCF for the 2010 Season.
The White paper was written by Darren Sprod based on his knowledge of the current structure of football on the Central coast and discussions he has undertaken over the past six months on the future direction CCF should undertake. These discussions have been with players coaches. Spectators, administrators of local Clubs and some of the directors of CCF. These discussions have allowed us to write this document.

My questions in this post are :-
1) What does NT stand for?
2) Who are your anonymous allies in this group, and why are they anonymous? Do they not have the courage to stand up and be counted?
3) Who are the Directors who support you, and are they not shooting their fellow directors in the back if they support your radical ideas? What is their agenda?
4) What positions do you and you group intend to stand for? Names and positions please. In addition what experience and expertise does each have in the positions they are standing for?
5) You state that the paper was written by you but later state it was written by us. Who are us?
6) With whom have you discussed this matter at club level?
7) Have you raised any of your concerns with the existing CCF incumbents whom you are criticising?
8) If you are so certain of your arguments why have we seen no existing directors or CCF employees notified of, nor invited, to same for a fair debate?

As I am devout in my love of the sport and do not like to see those giving their all to same being unfairly criticised further posts will follow in respect to other matters raised in your white paper.
Was going to include the following question in a future post but will ask it now.
If you are so sure of your facts why do you not invite those Directors and staff you openly and covertly criticise to your meetings so a true open debate could be entered into?


Well-Known Member
luvsoccer said:
I have read your white paper and have numerous questions as well as a lot of criticism. I have been around our sport for many years. Saw what went on in 1999 when a rebel group came out with a lot of unsubstantiated misinformation and innuendo which uninformed clubs believed or did not question. Hopefully this problem does not occur again.
In this post, Part 1, I will ask some questions.
In your white paper you state “The main purpose of this white paper is to outline the current status of Central Coast FootbaII (CCF) and to give visibility to the future pIan (short and long term) if the NT group is elected to the Board of CCF for the 2010 Season.
The White paper was written by Darren Sprod based on his knowledge of the current structure of football on the Central coast and discussions he has undertaken over the past six months on the future direction CCF should undertake. These discussions have been with player’s coaches. Spectators, administrators of local Clubs and some of the directors of CCF. These discussions have allowed us to write this document”.

My questions in this post are :-
1) What does “NT” stand for?
2) Who are your anonymous allies in this group, and why are they anonymous? Do they not have the courage to stand up and be counted?
3) Who are the Directors who support you, and are they not shooting their fellow directors in the back if they support your radical ideas? What is their agenda?
4) What positions do you and you group intend to stand for? Names and positions please. In addition what experience and expertise does each have in the positions they are standing for?
5) You state that the paper was written by you but later state it was written “by us”. Who are us?
6) With whom have you discussed this matter at club level?
7) Have you raised any of your concerns with the existing CCF incumbents whom you are criticising?
8) If you are so certain of your arguments why have we seen no existing directors or CCF employees notified of, nor invited, to same for a fair debate?

As I am devout in my love of the sport and do not like to see those giving their all to same being unfairly criticised further posts will follow in respect to other matters raised in your white paper.
Was going to include the following question in a future post but will ask it now.
If you are so sure of your facts why do you not invite those Directors and staff you openly and covertly criticise to your meetings so a true open debate could be entered into?

This post is rather obscure. Surely some introduction is required. All readers are left to assume a great deal.

After you explain what is going on could we see the above mentioned "white paper?"

Then it might be more obvious if the criticism is open or covert. Difficult to be both.

voice of reason

Well-Known Member
I foresee a round of ugly and undignified mudslinging in what is obviously a complex issued best handled somewhere else.  Maybe the Mods should stop it in its tracks?




Well-Known Member
I have been informed about the above but sadly can't say too much about it yet either.

I will say a shitfight is approaching at a rapid pace....


Well-Known Member
luvsoccer said:
I have read your white paper and have numerous questions as well as a lot of criticism. I have been around our sport for many years. Saw what went on in 1999 when a rebel group came out with a lot of unsubstantiated misinformation and innuendo which uninformed clubs believed or did not question. Hopefully this problem does not occur again.
In this post, Part 1, I will ask some questions.
In your white paper you state The main purpose of this white paper is to outline the current status of Central Coast FootbaII (CCF) and to give visibility to the future pIan (short and long term) if the NT group is elected to the Board of CCF for the 2010 Season.
The White paper was written by Darren Sprod based on his knowledge of the current structure of football on the Central coast and discussions he has undertaken over the past six months on the future direction CCF should undertake. These discussions have been with players coaches. Spectators, administrators of local Clubs and some of the directors of CCF. These discussions have allowed us to write this document.

My questions in this post are :-
1) What does NT stand for?
2) Who are your anonymous allies in this group, and why are they anonymous? Do they not have the courage to stand up and be counted?
3) Who are the Directors who support you, and are they not shooting their fellow directors in the back if they support your radical ideas? What is their agenda?
4) What positions do you and you group intend to stand for? Names and positions please. In addition what experience and expertise does each have in the positions they are standing for?
5) You state that the paper was written by you but later state it was written by us. Who are us?
6) With whom have you discussed this matter at club level?
7) Have you raised any of your concerns with the existing CCF incumbents whom you are criticising?
8) If you are so certain of your arguments why have we seen no existing directors or CCF employees notified of, nor invited, to same for a fair debate?

As I am devout in my love of the sport and do not like to see those giving their all to same being unfairly criticised further posts will follow in respect to other matters raised in your white paper.
Was going to include the following question in a future post but will ask it now.
If you are so sure of your facts why do you not invite those Directors and staff you openly and covertly criticise to your meetings so a true open debate could be entered into?

For the purpose of this discussion I am not hiding behind an alias.  I intend to stand as Chairman of Central Coast Football.  I am aware of a lot of speculation in regards to my decision to stand for a position on the board of Central Coast Football.  To save speculation and inorder to be completely transparent I am presenting my plan to all clubs and will be forwarding to all life members closer to the AGM.  I have so far presented to 13 Clubs with more to come.

My intention here is to show some leadership moving forward.  Firstly let tme say that this is in no way personal and what I am doing is putting to the clubs and the life members an alternative vision for CCF moving forward.  This is not something I decided to do this week.  Infact, I started writing my plan back in April this year.  I have nothing to hide and I am happy to answer anyones questions regarding this as I have been doing.  I have been open and honest through this whole process and will continue to be

The document you have is my high level vision.  There is a lot more detail and some has been presented to the clubs I have visitied so far.  The Document you have is the 1st document to be released as part of my plan leading up to the AGM of CCF.  There will be several more over the next few months.

To clear up some misconceptions, this is something I have done of my own fruition.  I have not asked or coerced anyone else to join a team at this point. However I will be seeking like minded individuals to stand with the view of providing an alternative vision and direction for CCF.  Some of you may see this as me critising the current board.  This is not correct.  This is about providing an alternative for the clubs and stakeholders on the Central Coast. 

You will also note that I have presented more detail as part of the plan to 13 of the 22 clubs and I am contining to do this moving forward. 

I am happy to answer any questions any of you may have face to face or by email, so rather than approach others please feel free to ask me directly. 

My last point on this is that I will not be engaging in any personal attacks on anyone and I belive the current directors of CCF truely act in good faith and have a passion for CCF.  My alternate vision is in no way a reflection on them but giving the stakeholders of CCF (the Clubs and their members) the ability to choose the way they want to move forward

Darren Sprod


Well-Known Member
(quote) For the purpose of this discussion I am not hiding behind an alias.  I intend to stand as Chairman of Central Coast Football.  I am aware of a lot of speculation in regards to my decision to stand for a position on the board of Central Coast Football.  To save speculation and inorder to be completely transparent I am presenting my plan to all clubs and will be forwarding to all life members closer to the AGM.  I have so far presented to 13 Clubs with more to come.

You say that to save speculation you are presenting your plan to all clubs. Unfortunately this is not getting down to the members of all clubs, particularly when all competitions are finished and all but a few teams have grand finals to play. Would you consider publishing your plan on this site so we can all see the updated version and evaluate same. If you wish to be completely transparent as you state surely this would not be a problem.

(quote)My intention here is to show some leadership moving forward.  Firstly let tme say that this is in no way personal and what I am doing is putting to the clubs and the life members and alternative vision for CCF moving forward.  This is not something I decided to do this week.  Infact, I started writing my plan back in April this year.  I have nothing to hide and I am happy to answer anyones questions regarding this as I have been doing.  I have been open and honest through this whole process and will continue to be.

Trying not to be too particular but you have not answered one simple question. What does NT stand for?

(quote)The document you have is my high level vision.  There is a lot more detail and some has been presented to the clubs I have visitied so far.  The Document you have is the 1st document to be released as part of my plan leading up to the AGM of CCF.  There will be several more over the next few months.

You state the version I have seen is high level and then you go on to say there is a lot more detail and some has been presented from clubs. Another question. Why has only some been released to clubs? Why not all?

(quote) To clear up some misconceptions, this is something I have done of my own fruition.  I have not asked or coerced anyone else to join a team at this point. However I will be seeking like minded individuals to stand with the view of providing an alternative vision and direction for CCF.  Some of you may see this as me critising the current board.  This is not correct.  This is about providing an alternative for the clubs and stakeholders on the Central Coast.

You state you have not in asked or coerced others to join your team. Yet rumour has it that at least two other committee members of the Referees Association are standing for positions. Marty McNab for Dir of Competitions and Wayne Connor for Dir of Judiciary. Can you please confirm or deny they are part of this anonymous NT group. Also you state that you are acting on your own. Yet you call yourself a group and in your White paper say that you it was written by us. If you are acting entirely on your own why use that expression.

(quote) You will also note that I have presented more detail as part of the plan to 13 of the 22 clubs and I am contining to do this moving forward.

Again please tell all of us all of your plan. I was around a decade ago when another group went around dispensing a lot of misinformation and innuendo coupled with a lot of promises to get rid of the existing Board. I know in the club I was associated with then the President voted against the wishes of the Club. We all see what that group did to CCF. There are a lot of us who do not believe in everything some of the current Baord do but unless you live up to your claims of transparency by revealing your plan in full.
(quote) I am happy to answer any questions any of you may have face to face or by email, so rather than approach others please feel free to ask me directly.
I asked you some questions and yet you have answered one including an easy one. What does NT stand for?

Please do not give us a politicians double talk. If you do not want criticism please be as open as you claim.


Well-Known Member
FFC Mariner said:
Still waiting for the shit fight........

Mods need be awake on this one methinks

we are watching closely

obviously it won't come from darren's side as he is running for a position


Well-Known Member
Has anyone looked at Central Coast Referees website,. if this is an indication of how things are going to be run then there's a vast improvement there.
The website is up to date, has meeting minutes financial reports, schedule of meetings on it more that I can access from the CCF I'm afraid.


Well-Known Member
I don't understand the alarm.

There has been a lot of criticism of CCF, many have suggested to the complainants if you think you can do a better job, put your hand up.

Darren has done exactly that in a professional manner. As he has stated there has been no criticism of the incumbents.

He has been open and proactive on this forum in the past answering refereeing questions.

I don't know Darren but his responsibilities in the professional way CC referees is run can only hold him in good stead in his quest to do something for CCF.

Capn Gus Bloodbeard

Well-Known Member
masmariner said:
Has anyone looked at Central Coast Referees website,. if this is an indication of how things are going to be run then there's a vast improvement there.
The website is up to date, has meeting minutes financial reports, schedule of meetings on it more that I can access from the CCF I'm afraid.

It wouldn't be hard to be better organised than CCF.

Bear in mind that CCFRI does have it's own internal problems - like any organisation, it too suffers at times from those who would prefer to consolidate their own power and look after their mates than actually do what's right for the organisation.

Darren has been a fantastic leader though, and CCFRI has leapt forward under his watch.


Well-Known Member
I think the judiciary, CCF and CCFRI should be independant of each other to ensure there isn't a conflict of interests.


Well-Known Member
Agree that CCF and CCFRI should be independent. Another post on this topic has already criticised the impartiality of referees appointments as being  Jobs for the boys for family. (Darren Sprod, if you read this you may also wish to reply.)
In respect to judiciary.  That ran well in the 90s when we had both the Chairman and Secretary of Judiciary as also directors of the then CCSA sitting on the panel. I know neither held a position at a Club despite past affiliations with certain clubs. In those years I held executive positions at my club. We always got fair hearings as well as expeditious hearings. This area does need attention, but if my information about the possibility of a referee being appointed thereto, and meaning no disparity to Waynes reputation, I feel it would be an inappropriate time or him to be elected.
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