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Let's land the World Cup


Well-Known Member

The Australian Government will today officially launch its bid for the world's biggest party the 2018 soccer World Cup.

The cup is the largest event in world sport, attracting an audience of roughly half the world's population and Prime Minister Kevin Rudd believes Australia can win it.

"Winning the right to host the 2018 FIFA World Cup is a herculean task, but overcoming tough odds is what Australian football does best," Mr Rudd said yesterday.

The World Cup is played every four years, with the next tournament to be played in South Africa in 2010.

Australia's chances will be enhanced by the scrapping of FIFA's controversial "hosting rotation policy" after the 2014 tournament.

Each of the Federation Internationale de Football Association's (FIFA) 208 member countries will get a vote on who hosts the World Cup.

The Football Federation of Australia (FFA) will soon lodge a formal national bid with FIFA, and the bid will have the full co-operation of the Commonwealth, state and territory governments.

Brendan McClements, chief executive of Victorian Major Events Company, said the MCG would be the natural home for the final.

"That's a question for the FFA," he said. "I think the MCG has got strong claims. Even if it's not the final, there are many elements of a World Cup that can offer value, from the opening of the games through the hosting rounds. You can really get some exciting parts of the tournament and Melbourne would host them brilliantly."

The AFL and NRL seasons would have to be suspended for at least five weeks to accommodate the competition.

England, China, Russia, a joint Netherlands/Belgium bid, the US and Mexico are among the early rivals to Australia, with England already installed as favourite.

According to some estimates, just to reach the preselection stage will cost about $30 million. But it will be a massive boost to tourism and job creation. The next World Cup is expected to create more than 150,000 jobs in South Africa.

FFA chief executive Ben Buckley said the organisation had already commenced planning by conducting an audit of Australia's readiness to stage an event of its size and complexity. The study, conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers, is focusing on stadiums, training facilities, accommodation, public transport and other infrastructure requirements.

"We are moving early to position ourselves for a successful bid outcome," he said.

Australia's bid already has the backing of powerful Asian Football Confederation president Mohamed bin Hammam, who said last November that he wanted only one Asian bid for the 2018 World Cup, and he would be "happy" if it came from its newest member, Australia.

"I think we will fight as a confederation to host 2018," he said. "But the idea is to have one bid, and then everyone getting behind that bid."

The cost of the bid will be shared between the Australian Government, state and territory governments and the FFA.

Mr Rudd said that to achieve this national support, the Federal Government would put Australia's 2018 FIFA World Cup bid on the March Council of Australian Governments agenda.

"As the host country for the 2018 FIFA World Cup is likely to be announced in 2011, the Government is keen to see Australia's bid kick off as soon as possible," Mr Rudd said.

Mr Rudd said Australia with its reputation for excellence in sport on and off the field, including hosting the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games, the 2003 Rugby World Cup and the 2006 Commonwealth Games had proved it was a nation that could deliver the world's best events. As part of its preparation for the 2018 bid, Australia is already preparing to host the 2015 Asian Cup.

"The FIFA World Cup is the world's largest sporting event," he said.

"The 2006 FIFA World Cup in Germany attracted 3.35 million spectators, including 2 million visitors from overseas.

"The event was broadcast to 214 countries and watched by a cumulative TV audience of more than 2.6 billion people."

If successful, matches would be held across the country at existing venues such as the MCG and Telstra Dome in Melbourne, ANZ Stadium and Sydney Football Stadium in Sydney, and Suncorp Stadium in Brisbane, and the recently announced new stadium for Perth.

Hosting the World Cup would be "a natural follow-on from the brilliant performance of the Socceroos at the 2006 World Cup and the success of the A-League," Mr Rudd said.

Support for soccer is growing in Australia, where the sport has around about 450,000 registered participants.

Senior AFL executives would not comment on the bid yesterday until they had seen more details.


Well-Known Member
Would have to say with the politics of FIFA England would have to be favourites for 2018, would be the icing on the cake for the growth of football in this country to be given hosting rights.


Well-Known Member
yeah exactly
wont happen, but then again beijing was a shoe in for the olympics and sydney got it, so you never know - you'd hope that delegates from Asia and Oceania would all vote for Australia which means we would need to convince a few from South / North America and Africa to vote for us and not England because all the European votes would go to England youd think


I'm an idiot savant without the pesky savant bit
hell we got the grounds, we got the tourist infrastructure, we got the skills to put together a good bid....we got just as much chance as anyone i reckon


Well-Known Member
If aus get the world cup..

it will be truly amazing. It will then make "Football" the priemer sport in Australia..
Blackadder said:
Would have to say with the politics of FIFA England would have to be favourites for 2018, would be the icing on the cake for the growth of football in this country to be given hosting rights.

The rest of Europe hates England. And since the decision makers of FIFA are Europeans, it doesn't look that likely.


UK Mariner said:
Blackadder said:
Would have to say with the politics of FIFA England would have to be favourites for 2018, would be the icing on the cake for the growth of football in this country to be given hosting rights.

The rest of Europe hates England. And since the decision makers of FIFA are Europeans, it doesn't look that likely.

Especially if the dutch and belgians go for it, should at least split the euro vote. Some good bribes in africa and south america and we are in.

What is this new stadium in perth? Is if a football stadium? Or afl?


skilbeck said:
its an easier trip for Europeans to go to England than to Australia

Look at the olympics, and usual tourism numbers. I dont see that being a big issue.

Hopefully the premier league push forward with their international round so as to ruin there chances of getting it.

Englands league is going fine, i dont think there is a need to host it there. Fifa also uses the tournament to strengthen regions. Australia has shown we can fill stadiums for even the worst "sports" at the olympics.


Well-Known Member
europe wouldn't have held a world cup in 12 years by the time 2018 comes around so i cant see them waiting another 4 years when the cup is made up of predominantly european nations and FIFA tend to show a little favouritism imo...i'd say we're more chance of 2022 or 2026 if at all


crooksey said:
europe wouldn't have held a world cup in 12 years by the time 2018 comes around so i cant see them waiting another 4 years when the cup is made up of predominantly european nations and FIFA tend to show a little favouritism imo...i'd say we're more chance of 2022 or 2026 if at all

FIFA would be leaning 99% if not 100 in favour of England in order to draw more crowds, and dough.

We may have the olympic stadium, and a fair few stadiums around the country, but I dunno if it would work.. like it did for Rugby's World Cup, but Soccer draws larger crowds over there, so would it be the same here?
Depends on how many would really want to fly over to here I guess ay.


I'd have to say that England would be favourites ahead of us, and besides I would like to see a generational change at the helm of the FFA (read into that what you like) before the WC comes here.

I would like the last of the old NSL dictators of our sport either dead and buried or long retired  from public life (or gone broke), before the ultimate prize of the World Cup gets to shine on this part of the footballing world.

We have a new crop of administrators and management teams in HAL clubs learning the ropes and they appear a much cleaner mob than those whose upper management skills were honed on the older corrput model of football administration. Give them a chance to take total control of the FFA before the World Cup gets here.


Pete said:
I'd have to say that England would be favourites ahead of us, and besides I would like to see a generational change at the helm of the FFA (read into that what you like) before the WC comes here.
I would like the last of the old NSL dictators of our sport either dead and buried or long retired  from public life (or gone broke), before the ultimate prize of the World Cup gets to shine on this part of the footballing world.

We have a new crop of administrators and management teams in HAL clubs learning the ropes and they appear a much cleaner mob than those whose upper management skills were honed on the older corrput model of football administration. Give them a chance to take total control of the FFA before the World Cup gets here.
No dead and buried.
I have little remorse in regards to them. They are still too interested in their wallets.


Filling stadiums wont be a problem here. Europes hate of england, and other potential european bids will give us a chance if we can buy ourselves african and south american votes, and if china pulls out.


Jesus said:
Filling stadiums wont be a problem here. Europes hate of england, and other potential european bids will give us a chance if we can buy ourselves african and south american votes, and if china pulls out.
Yeah.. but I do get the feeling they would be willing to go to England to rub it in their faces IF they lose.  :piralaugh:


Well-Known Member
I hope we do Northernspirit it will help assist our game no end and put the other codes on notice we have arrived and 2018 is near perfect timing, 3 years after the Asian Cup, Hal 13 so it should be a lucky number even 2022, just knowing its coming will help the growth of the game.

:piano: :piano: :piano: :pirashoot: :pirashoot: :pirashoot: :piralaugh: :piralaugh: :headbounce: :headbounce:


Well-Known Member
thanman said:
Pete said:
I'd have to say that England would be favourites ahead of us, and besides I would like to see a generational change at the helm of the FFA (read into that what you like) before the WC comes here.
I would like the last of the old NSL dictators of our sport either dead and buried or long retired  from public life (or gone broke), before the ultimate prize of the World Cup gets to shine on this part of the footballing world.

We have a new crop of administrators and management teams in HAL clubs learning the ropes and they appear a much cleaner mob than those whose upper management skills were honed on the older corrput model of football administration. Give them a chance to take total control of the FFA before the World Cup gets here.
No dead and buried.
I have little remorse in regards to them. They are still too interested in their wallets.

Yes, the NSL corrupt criminals are long gone and there's no need to give mention to them.

I think were in with a real shout. Blatter's philosophy has always been to spread the game to "non Football nations", so I feel we're a chance.

Ther's a lot of water o cross the bridge before a decision is made. Will be interesting to see how the Pommies court the rest of Europe. As mentioned, everybody hates England, so it will be interesting to see if UEFA will back England. Although, I can't see Africa, Asia, Latin America backing Europe.

It's not Europe's game anymore, the balance of power is slowly but definitely shifting away from them.


Have to agree, there's a lot to be said for having the WC in OZ. As a country it's just so loved, everywhere I travel everyone wants to go to Australia and in terms of whether we can do it, I think as longs as they are crafty with their submission and well backed both state and federally, which they would be, then we will look very good on paper. They may think the UK will bring bigger bucks, but the real bucks lie in their continuance to look long term and think big picture.

I think we have a very good chance indeed.
(Some good ACL finishes by MV an Adelaide may also help in its own small way I think too)


Unlike the past, this one is entirely voted by the head committee. Anyone know what the break up is on that. I presume south america and europe hold the most votes. But Blatter is also very powerful.

The FIFA conference will be held in sydney this year, expect lowy to be pulling out all the stops. This conference gives us a major boost for our hopes with the executive committee here. If sydney turns on the shine, and lowy does the woeing, we could be in a good position.

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