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Reffing shockers at CCM games (yeah I know)


Well-Known Member
If we need rest why play a friendly where we leaked 4 goals. If that was to try a new structure to sure up the defence it’s a real worry. Only positive is we have no idea what the squad looked like. Could have been a heap of Academy players.

Ancient Mariner

Well-Known Member
If we need rest why play a friendly where we leaked 4 goals. If that was to try a new structure to sure up the defence it’s a real worry. Only positive is we have no idea what the squad looked like. Could have been a heap of Academy players.
Team of bench players that need game time.


Well-Known Member
If we need rest why play a friendly where we leaked 4 goals. If that was to try a new structure to sure up the defence it’s a real worry. Only positive is we have no idea what the squad looked like. Could have been a heap of Academy players.
I wouldn’t be surprised if there was decent minutes for back up keeper, Ballard, Steele, Cy, RT, Storm, Hatch etc.. maybe try some stuff early before giving the squad some time.

Man Overboard

Well-Known Member
My Spanish is a little rusty but I think they are saying either "We dont want those shitty AFL goals on our pitch-its sacrilege;they get points even when they MISS" OR "What do you mean Ams and Evans are officiating"

Ancient Mariner

Well-Known Member
What a f$&@inv joke. This league is screwed.
It is showing itself to be just as incompetent as football has always been in Australia. With all the promises of so many new starts, the pretend salary cap that gets regularly changed to suit the powerful, the addition of artificial clubs, the waste of money, the inconsistencies of rulings and officiating that has been amplified by the dumpster fire they call VAR, as well as the crap tv programming, coverage and commentary, the financial rip offs of the kids to fund has beens and the covered up scandals and incompetencies in the national teams has finally reached the point where I ask is it worth the trouble anymore?

Old football may have been corrupt and incompetent but it had history and soul. This league is more artificial than T20.
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Well-Known Member
It is showing itself to be just as incompetent as football has always been in Australia. With all the promises of so many new starts, the pretend salary cap that gets regularly changed to suit the powerful, the addition of artificial clubs, the waste of money, the inconsistencies of rulings and officiating that has been amplified by the dumpster fire they call VAR, as well as the crap tv programming, coverage and commentary, the financial rip offs of the kids to fund has beens and the covered up scandals and incompetencies in the national teams has finally reached the point where I ask is it worth the trouble anymore?

Old football may have been corrupt and incompetent but it had history and soul. This league is more artificial than T20.

The old NSL was a tin pot league but we knew what it was. It didn’t over promise and under deliver.

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