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Simon: still remains without a goal, concerned?


Well-Known Member
Woops forgot to add the "and then becomes the sh*ttest player in a-league in the worst performing team" part.

Maybe should start a "Simon2010" campaign.


Well-Known Member
Foriegnmariner said:
Woops forgot to add the "and then becomes the sh*ttest player in a-league in the worst performing team" part.

Maybe should start a "Simon2010" campaign.

Great idea!

p.s. Let's not forgot Danny ;-)


Well-Known Member
CCM-JAM80 said:
Foriegnmariner said:
Woops forgot to add the "and then becomes the sh*ttest player in a-league in the worst performing team" part.

Maybe should start a "Simon2010" campaign.

Great idea!

p.s. Let's not forgot Danny ;-)

. yeah that's right, danny hasn't scored either and look how many games he has started  ;) :p


New Member
Djite couldn't score for the love of trying last season either an look at him now. If he hadn't missed a bunch of games with injury he would have won the golden boot.


Well-Known Member
bikinigirl said:
CCM-JAM80 said:
Foriegnmariner said:
Woops forgot to add the "and then becomes the sh*ttest player in a-league in the worst performing team" part.

Maybe should start a "Simon2010" campaign.

Great idea!

p.s. Let's not forgot Danny ;-)

. yeah that's right, danny hasn't scored either and look how many games he has started  ;) :p

LOL Nice call - it would be a bigger concern if he had scored his first goal too ;)


Well-Known Member
Pete said:
Looking back on Matt Simon, I can see a huge improvement over the time he has been with the Mariners.

Sure, he still falls over way too much for my liking, and he sometimes runs like a spastic giraffe, but now he is cutting some runs and causing the defence to pay more attention to him.

It will only be a matter of time when he gets on target, the moons align, he's in the right position and bingo! a goal.

He has improved his steadiness on his feet, he is formidable in the air, he can run fast enough, he has the enthusiasm of youth, will come back and chase down defenders trying to clear their line. He has picked up his stride and his body language shows he's getting the full benefit of playing alongside Mr. Aloisi, an idol of his. I guess he feels like he's the kid at school who has this famous friend!

Didn't look at all well at the PMF after the Wellington game, so I hope he's fit for the Newcastle games.

he ran like a giraffe because of the pitch. if you walk out there, you will find its heaps different to your average cow paddock like pluim park. i played a grand final there once and did the same thing as he.

striker #9 said:
midfielder said:
I still think he is a better right mid than striker, but he has it all speed strenght courage a never give in spirit. What he lacks is a goal, when it comes there will be no stopping him.

Yep -  you are right... the boy is not intuitively a striker..... but, don't get me wrong.... he's a very good footballer..... eg.  left or right winger.which ever he prefers I don't know.  Let's keep him a bit longer to prove himself.

i dont understand... when have either of you seen him play right mid to say that he is better at it than at striker?

he only needs 1 goal and he will be sweet. you all must remember that only 3 seasons ago, he was playing for east gosford rams, so you can imagine what is going through his head every time he has a chance to score. most of these guys have been playing professionally for some time.


Well-Known Member
yeh... id rather him score at home though.

and he does work well with aloisi. apparently aloisi talks to him heaps on the field and gives him good directions and instructions. probably half the reason he is getting as good as he is.


Well-Known Member
As much as I like Matty, the facts are he hasn't scored yet and has squandered many opportuntities to do so.

Sash was fantastic when he came on the other night. Could of easily had a couple of goals and looked really hungry (admittedly, for the first time this year).

He's a proven goal scorer and has loads of finals experience. This is the time to have as much experience as necessary on the pitch. We have to maximise our chances of scoring and that's JA and Sash.

It's not a difficult choice for Lawrie at all. I'm sure Matty will come off the bench at some stage during both legs but really it's a no brainer, Sash must and will start.


Well-Known Member
If JA and Matty are injured it'll have to be Sash and Kwas! But agree that if they're all fit it will be JA and Sash


Well-Known Member
tyson said:
you all must remember that only 3 seasons ago, he was playing for east gosford rams

And there's his problem - he needs to get back to Wyoming and shake off that horrid East Gosford influence.  ;)

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