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Whats The Score? - Ask the CCF thread

CCF Chairman

Well-Known Member
OJ said:
oh and while your at it trim the trees that are over hanging and covering the lights that are still working on the back field.. You might want to replace the faulty lights there as well
New lights are sitting there ready to replace the faulty ones. Have been all year. Maybe you should ask Gosford Council and Energy Australia why it hasn't been done as yet (no fault of either ours or theirs btw), or better still ask your club delegate who has been given this information monthly. It is all dependent on the availability of staff to do it, the availability of a cherrypicker and the weather and how soft the ground was. The three factors haven't been able to be lined up at the same time.


Well-Known Member
Judging by a lot of the replies to questions which are either "ask you club delegate" or "your club delegates knew about this" it seems pretty obvious that this is not a method, that despite best intentions or effort from those involved is a system of communicating information from the CCF to its members that is working as people believe it is/should.

As many people have mentioned an investment to make the CCF website the method of communication would certainly cut out a lot of the frustration that is been expressed on the forum and also help take away the various interpretations of the communications that come out via the different clubs.

Hopefully one of the key criteria for the new website is going to be as a method of communicating the information that the club delegates would be expected to communicate today.

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
Bladesman said:
Judging by a lot of the replies to questions which are either "ask you club delegate" or "your club delegates knew about this" it seems pretty obvious that this is not a method, that despite best intentions or effort from those involved is a system of communicating information from the CCF to its members that is working as people believe it is/should.

As many people have mentioned an investment to make the CCF website the method of communication would certainly cut out a lot of the frustration that is been expressed on the forum and also help take away the various interpretations of the communications that come out via the different clubs.

Hopefully one of the key criteria for the new website is going to be as a method of communicating the information that the club delegates would be expected to communicate today.



Well-Known Member
lol, i think the CCF acknowledged on page one that the website is inadequate and that they are taking steps to rectify this

move on people


Well-Known Member
Corner Flags? Really? Is that REALLY something worth whinging about?

As a ref I haven't had a problem with the corner flags at Pluim. NB I speak for myself and do not represent Central Coast Football Referees Incorporated

Like others have said, if you want better corner flags I'm sure you could donate some to CCF and they would love you for it.

CCF Chairman

Well-Known Member
marinermick said:
lol, i think the CCF acknowledged on page one that the website is inadequate and that they are taking steps to rectify this

move on people
Just for those who are able to blame all of the world's shortcomings on the standard of the CCF website, which Mick quite rightly pointed out was acknowledged at the beginning of this thread,
we have a pseudo site up and running and are currently testing competitions, results, tables, registrations and judiciary programs. This will continue over the next few months but nothing will be rolled out until we are confident of the quality.

My initial thoughts are that is a far superior product to what is being used by many Sydney Associations which are held out by both people on this forum and others, to be the standard to which we should aspire. I have said all along that it needs fixing, it is imperative that this is done properly.


New Member
Does anyone know who has accepted coaching positions for next year, so sick of all the crap and innuendo just let everyoneknow!

From the dug out

Well-Known Member
I to agree that the website needs fixing, however I'm not going to banter about that, nor have I in the past.

What I will say is that websites are a living breathing organism, that nobody can ever fix in one go. Websites are an ongoing responsibility from the host company/organisation/sporting group. You can never keep up with the present load of information available, however when you are preceived not to be trying, then the door will open to criticism.

Yes, we have a website......yes it's not the best......Is that however an excuse not to want to try and work with what we have got? even if it is short term?


Well-Known Member
From the dug out said:
I to agree that the website needs fixing, however I'm not going to banter about that, nor have I in the past.

What I will say is that websites are a living breathing organism, that nobody can ever fix in one go. Websites are an ongoing responsibility from the host company/organisation/sporting group. You can never keep up with the present load of information available, however when you are preceived not to be trying, then the door will open to criticism.

Yes, we have a website......yes it's not the best......Is that however an excuse not to want to try and work with what we have got? even if it is short term?

Absolutely, and this brings us back to the earlier gripe .. if the web admin can get Summer Sixes plastered all over the front page, then why can't they get the local info on there ...?


Well-Known Member
marinermick said:
lol, i think the CCF acknowledged on page one that the website is inadequate and that they are taking steps to rectify this

move on people

The main point of the post was not about the website but if the CCF were actually going to use the new website to communicate the information which they currently rely on the club deligates to communicate or if they were still going to rely on the delegates to pass on communications, a system which does not work at present.


Well-Known Member
Wouldn't club delegates be the problem there then? London to a brick there are certain clubs which generate all the complaints, while others do just fine.


Well-Known Member
The inconsistent level of communication from the delegates is exactly the problem.  However trying to be consistent across 22 clubs (we have had many years of trying to fix this) as opposed to been able to communicate once conssistenly to all members and potential members via the website, a medium which is designed for communicating information to the masses seems to be the easiest solution to the issue.

From the dug out

Well-Known Member
Bladesman said:
The inconsistent level of communication from the delegates is exactly the problem.  However trying to be consistent across 22 clubs (we have had many years of trying to fix this) as opposed to been able to communicate once conssistenly to all members and potential members via the website, a medium which is designed for communicating information to the masses seems to be the easiest solution to the issue.

Totally agree!

From previous experiences (from within our club) before we had our official club website, we relied on 1 person sending emails out in mass numbers, only to have them (our footballing community) change jobs therefore email address, change providers or experience computer problems therefore information was not getting through!

Basically instead of having the minority tell the majority, let the majority look up info at their our leasure 24/7. I have no doubt we will have an informative website soon, regardless of who the directors are, common sense will/must prevail. Lets get rid of the "Chinese Whisper's" as our main form of communication.


Well-Known Member
I haven't been able to log onto the CCF web site for nearly a week now. Does this mean the old site is dead and buried?

Has the new CEO started yet?


Well-Known Member
try this .. http://www.ccfootball.com.au/

yes the new CEO has started ... and hasn't resigned yet as far as I know ...


Well-Known Member
How all of a sudden did the club delegates get dragged into this? My remark about the website was that Summer Sixes was being promoted rather than our local finals information. The reply was that the website is in flux ... blah blah .... well, the Summer Sixes is no longer on the front page, but an ad for 'CC Lightning Girls Invitation Gala Day' ... what's the excuse this time?

And also, while we're trying to keep things on-topic, the Smart Ones comments about the flags earlier, had nothing to do with 'oh, the refs didn't have a problem so they're ok' ... it was about the shoddy state of Pluim Park in toto. What preparation work has been done at Pluim to prepare for the Finals Series? Old rusting machinery left lying around, training goals dumped behind the goals, grass not mown, lights not replaced ... The place is an embarassment to all and sundry.

And don't get me started on the state of the pitches. U17 and U18 comps this year were denied use of Pluim (much to the disadvantage of Peninsula clubs who found themselves travelling to Jubilee, Kanwal & Toukley every week) ... 'to save the pitches for the finals' .. well that worked didn't it?


Active Member
I am in complete agreemant about the condition and usage of Pluim Park.

From what I hear we have been paying in excess of $100,000 for two people to maintain Pluim.

Fair enough we have some grass on the fields at this time of the year but this is only because Clubs have been denied use of the fields. Because of that denial pitches should have been 100%.

They were not because that veto on clubs has not stopped the office staff from running whatever they want on the fields to further their jobs. Unfortunately, whilst we pay their wages, these progarms are not there for the benefit of the 14,000 local players, but only the elite few who through their talent or their parents money get them exclusive use of Pluim.


Well-Known Member
Great to see that there is finally some information starting to filter through onto the CCF web site.

Brief, but good report on the Grand Finals held at Bloodtree as well as some photos.

Also a good report on the womens AA game at Pluim.

Plus a list of all the winners, could someone amend it so the grades of the winners are listed they seem to have been cut off.

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