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ALM Round 1 vs Adelaide


Well-Known Member
Absolutely 1 game in itsnt end of world obviously we didn't start great last season either tonight losing two players due to injury didnt help and it clearly rattled the players


Well-Known Member
Well shit hey. One of those games.

We owned them for 15 mins. AU wrestled it back a bit but then we were decimated by chance as much as anything.

I think with the opportunity to play full strength and sub tactically as we choose and we could have been definitely in it.

We do need to put some of our many many chances away.

Plenty of talent in our players though I really do think when we click we'll be awesome
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Well-Known Member
Not sure how this one will go, we can't afford for our strikers to be missing as many as we are.

There won't be as many chances in this game, if our finishing has sharpened up we should get the job done. Bookies have it pretty even with Adelaide slight favourites, ADL 2.37 CCM 2.62.

Back into the season at last, can't wait.
Well there it is. Miss sitters, lose.


Well-Known Member
Frustrating night but I felt we were done after the 2 injuries. The change of Faz into CB would normally be fine but tonight we needed him out wide. Storm would normally give us that versatility but without him on the bench we needed another central defender to call on and there wasn’t one there. Don’t feel like Paull stepped up like we would hope for under the circumstances but it was a big ask.

A goal could have changed a lot for us be we couldn’t hit the target. Really poor finishing.


Well-Known Member
I think we put played em
We missed Cummings, but we selling club.
And then to have our giants front and back knocked out so early, hard if not impossible recovery… 3 games In and people are writing Jacki off, SHAME!

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