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Lawrie 'A Target For Asia'


Well-Known Member
Youssef said:
I pray every night that something happens to make McKinna quit or be sacked. I hope farkin bayern munich or real madrid offer him a job so he f**ks off. Long ball is for Scottish football, not for us!

You're a joke mate


So you can shout "troll" but you can't provide an argument? Sounds like a plastic football fan to me. You both probably started watching football in season 2.

Central Coast have a very strong squad, but we play ugly football and I don't see how anyone could disagree with that; even the most passionate supporter. Sure we are equal first, but I dont want this to be a club like Chelsea - winning with boring football.

We have players with flare and skill, but they are left on the bench! We lob the ball long and hope for the best; just take our goal against Perth the other week. Disgusting.

Criticism is essential for improvement, so don't be so close minded and open your eyes to realize our true potential.


Well-Known Member
I dont think our game plan involves hoofing it up field as an attacking option, I think for the past few weeks the boys have lacked the confidence to play the options we were taking at the star tof the season, which was the short , sharp passing game.IMO the long ball is a sign of uncertainess and atm some players look to have a bit of self doubt which they will get through.


Well-Known Member
No mate I have followed football all my life, and the Mariners from day 1.
We may play ugly football but it doesn't mean we need to go and sack the manager, he is the best man for the job and I can't see why a coach should be sacked due to the way the squad play football. Sure we play ugly football at times, but look where we are and have been..First for pretty much the whole season.
I agree we have more potential but sacking the manager isn't going to bring out that potential.


Real Madrid won the title but they still sacked the coach because they played 'ugly' football. Granted, we aren't Real Madrid.. but then Lawrie isn't exactly Capello either. My personal football philosophy is that we should aim to acheive beautiful football first, and results second.

I thought the change came around the time of the arrival of Aloisi, which suggests to me Lawrie expects too much of him, and is possibly telling his players (including defenders) to focus on hitting Johns feet.


Well-Known Member
I see what you are saying Youssef, but the issue of Quality Football Vs 3 points is a hotly debated one. Sure, some aspects of our game are not the best but some fans are happy with that, as long as we get the 3 points, others are the opposite. One thing that is for sure, everyone here wants the mariners to do well, no matter how long they have supported the team.

I agree that sometimes our players may not be utilized in the best way, such as the long ball play that you speak of (take the loss to qld, we gave away possession way too much and has been similar in recent games) but to bag a coach like that to supporters is just silly. Lawrie has done a fantastic job in the three years, he is only one of two foundation coaches that remain(thats gotta say something) and he will continue to do so. Remember that we are the smallest club in the league and have lead for most of the season. The club is still growing and quality football will come.


Well-Known Member
If we play beautifully and dont win a game were will we be?
Back to 5000 a game.
For the purests it may not be pretty, but for mine sitting where we are sure beats the feeling we had the same time last season.


Well-Known Member
Youssef said:
Real Madrid won the title but they still sacked the coach because they played 'ugly' football. Granted, we aren't Real Madrid.. but then Lawrie isn't exactly Capello either. My personal football philosophy is that we should aim to acheive beautiful football first, and results second.

I thought the change came around the time of the arrival of Aloisi, which suggests to me Lawrie expects too much of him, and is possibly telling his players (including defenders) to focus on hitting Johns feet.

talking about rigged madrid and chelski first up, i have to wonder how much you know about football? do you know your di stefanos from your david beckham, your ferenc puskas from your frank lampard?


Well-Known Member
I actually thought from what I saw of Real on ESPN was impressive to say the least? Not pretending to have seen all their games but if you have that much quality in a team it will be a delicate balance finding the right combinations and complementing styles.


Ok I can accept that people do prefer the atmosphere when bandwaggoners turn up to games because we are winning, and I admit I like it too. So I can understand if you would prefer if we won games ugly for that reason (though its not even winning us games anymore.)

Maybe I expect too much, but last season I was looking with envy at Bleibergs Roar, who, with a much weaker squad than the CC (IMO). So I know it is doable.

But I won't critisize those who want him to stay because I understand where you're coming from. But when he leaves one day, I know I for one will feel much more hope for the future of this club.


Well-Known Member
Youssef said:
But I won't critisize those who want him to stay because I understand where you're coming from. But when he leaves one day, I know I for one will feel much more hope for the future of this club.
Yes one day this may be the case,
perhaps in a few seasons time it will be time for a change
but that is for us to speculate
and the board to decide


Well-Known Member
Youssef said:
I pray every night that something happens to make McKinna quit or be sacked. I hope farkin bayern munich or real madrid offer him a job so he f**ks off. Long ball is for Scottish football, not for us!

. craig foster has joined the forum!  ::)

. and adopted a non-anglo name to draw attention away from his own heritage  :ashamed:

. can we please stop holding up the goal against perth as an example of our long ball game - my recollection (may be wrong) was that danny was actually taking a penalty - what were you expecting?


Well-Known Member
Very new to football so the tactics, style of play is still new but it seems to me that we only play a long ball game for away fixtures. Don't most teams play some sort of counter attack tactic and leave it to the home side to make the play anyway?


Well-Known Member
. seems to me that we resort to a long ball game when under extreme pressure - usually around the time the midfield vanish


Well-Known Member
Taylor said:
No mate I have followed football all my life, and the Mariners from day 1.
We may play ugly football but it doesn't mean we need to go and sack the manager, he is the best man for the job and I can't see why a coach should be sacked due to the way the squad play football. Sure we play ugly football at times, but look where we are and have been..First for pretty much the whole season.
I agree we have more potential but sacking the manager isn't going to bring out that potential.

Same here i have been a football fan since the day i was born.

Also why would you want Lawrie Mckinna to go to Real Madrid or Bayern Munich??

I think the mariners are a big club in itself with our youth academy, quality of board/owmers etc etc  but Real and Bayern is a considerable step up in quality of mangement and resources so that would be a good move for Lawrie.

I also don't want to one of these clubs that sack there managers after just one little run of bad results or playing ugly football for a couple weeks.

The only time we resort to long ball is to get the ball out of defence under pressure or when our midfield just isnt there and lacking confidence.

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