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Grand Final Boycott?


Well-Known Member
If our beloved CCMFC make the grand final,
who here will be going to the game and who will boycott attending the game in protest/standing up to the APL's handling of everything?


Well-Known Member
I will be boycotting, which if we do make the Grand Final will be extremely painful as I became a Mariner in May 2015 and have never seen us go further than the first week of finals.

I agree that there are plenty of hypocrites only now standing up when they are affected.

But I think this is a bigger issue than just the grand final. The APL needs to understand that collectively the fan bases have a voice and power. If we don't more and worse decisions will be made.


Well-Known Member
I would go. The only way it will change is if Good Bloke moves on, given he seems to be under no pressure at all I doubt a boycott will amount to any change.

Its been 10 years, I couldn't live with myself if we made it and I chose not to go and then I had to wait another decade or more until it happens again. My Son would also be super keen and he doesn't really understand this whole APL selling the GF situation so I would struggle to deny him the opportunity to watch his club at a GF when he grew up through the dark days.

If others do boycott I totally understand and it really is each to their own in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Also to look at another way, say we make the GF and it's against City. The travel to Melbourne where it would have been held would have been a real challenge for me with work and the cost. It's in Sydney so is a lot more easier to attend and with the family.

Capn Gus Bloodbeard

Well-Known Member
Also to look at another way, say we make the GF and it's against City. The travel to Melbourne where it would have been held would have been a real challenge for me with work and the cost. It's in Sydney so is a lot more easier to attend and with the family.
Not to mention, our Melbourne curse (the WU win hasn't broken that).

If we make it, I'll certainly consider flying up for it. We're unlikely to make these too often, and I wasn't able to make it to our one good one.
APL, like FA, couldn't care less about the fans. They've already broken their promises on bringing on a fan voice- sadly I can't imagine a boycott doing anything. Maybe I'm just too cynical.


Well-Known Member
The only way it will change is if Good Bloke moves on, given he seems to be under no pressure at all I doubt a boycott will amount to any change.
That depends if DT is steering the ship or the puppet for the likes of Lederer. If he's a puppet he'll be a sacrificial lamb to buy time or goodwill, if he's calling shots and is responsible for the way things have been communicated, oversights like the paramount subscription clauses that caused this whole debacle then maybe it'll actually help.

It's also helpful to separate the idea of some of these decisions that we dont like that may have been necessary and the board approved and how some of these things have actually been executed. For me the execution is the damning part.


Well-Known Member
I got to the 2 we lost, missed out on the win against WSW. My ass will be in a seat in sydney if we make the GF.

I completely disagree with the selling of the GF, but we never get a home GF anyway.

If its us vs citeh, its gonna be a bomb for APL. Citeh have like 2 supporters so there's gonna be f**k all tourists in sydney. Itll be hilarious.


Well-Known Member
I couldn’t miss it. Not a chance.

Hate DT, completely disagree with the final being in Sydney. But the club and the boys deserve the support.

Each to their own and full respect for those who choose to boycott, though.

If we don’t make it. I will join you ?


Well-Known Member
f**k Danny, f**k the FFA & APL.

I will definitely be going and f**k anyone that says they are boycotting because that is simply stupid if you are a Mariners fan. Chain yourself to the press box if you want to make a statement.
There is definitely more than one way to protest

I'll be there for the club, players and staff who would have done everything to earn it and deserve their moment. Not their fault what has gone on.

Capn Gus Bloodbeard

Well-Known Member
I'll be going. I was lucky enough to see our last GF win and wouldn't miss this one for anything.

We have already been screwed out of a home finals game. Where was the outcry from the rest of the league then?

That being said, f**k Danny...
Good point. Nobody protested for us when we had our GF stolen, so why should anybody ask us to protest for them?

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