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"I for one welcome our insect overlords" - The Politics Thread


Well-Known Member
Well said PJ but did you forget Howard also said "there would be no GST introduced under he a govenment he leads." That was just after he was elected leader of his party
No - I didn't - I just blame Meg Lees for that.

People thought they could have Howard but no GST. They voted for him in the HOR but voted > 60% for parties / candidates opposing the GST in the Senate, including the Democrats. She rolled over and reneged on their policy which explains why their are no Democrats any more. It became a sad reflection of the party of Don Chipp.

Capn Gus Bloodbeard

Well-Known Member
Well said PJ but did you forget Howard also said "there would be no GST introduced under he a govenment he leads." That was just after he was elected leader of his party
There's that....and I'm certainly not a Howard fan and consider him completely distrustful.....and skipping past the fact that he's the slimy scumbag that talked about 'core' and 'non-core' promises (ie some promises are okay to break).

Given that the GST discussion was for the 2nd term, should we still hold him to the promises for the first term?

I know that, strictly speaking, he still did break the promise...

Anyway, now Scotty from Marketing is falsely claiming he hasn't been to Hillson in 15 years. His gaslighting is just getting more and more blatant.

With concerns about the state of the economy - inflation and interest rate rises, I would shudder to think what would happen if the LNP stayed in. Labor are far better equipped at handling a difficult economy - though I also anticipate that the economy turning to shit the moment Labor get in may well mean they have a very short term.

Rupert will be salivating over it.


Well-Known Member
There's that....and I'm certainly not a Howard fan and consider him completely distrustful.....and skipping past the fact that he's the slimy scumbag that talked about 'core' and 'non-core' promises (ie some promises are okay to break).

Given that the GST discussion was for the 2nd term, should we still hold him to the promises for the first term?

I know that, strictly speaking, he still did break the promise...

Anyway, now Scotty from Marketing is falsely claiming he hasn't been to Hillson in 15 years. His gaslighting is just getting more and more blatant.

With concerns about the state of the economy - inflation and interest rate rises, I would shudder to think what would happen if the LNP stayed in. Labor are far better equipped at handling a difficult economy - though I also anticipate that the economy turning to shit the moment Labor get in may well mean they have a very short term.

Rupert will be salivating over it.
That is the problem. Damned either way.


Well-Known Member
There's that....and I'm certainly not a Howard fan and consider him completely distrustful.....and skipping past the fact that he's the slimy scumbag that talked about 'core' and 'non-core' promises (ie some promises are okay to break).

Given that the GST discussion was for the 2nd term, should we still hold him to the promises for the first term?

I know that, strictly speaking, he still did break the promise...

Anyway, now Scotty from Marketing is falsely claiming he hasn't been to Hillson in 15 years. His gaslighting is just getting more and more blatant.

With concerns about the state of the economy - inflation and interest rate rises, I would shudder to think what would happen if the LNP stayed in. Labor are far better equipped at handling a difficult economy - though I also anticipate that the economy turning to shit the moment Labor get in may well mean they have a very short term.

Rupert will be salivating over it.
Libs have booby traps like these high earner tax cuts littered for Labor to find.


Well-Known Member
I don't think you read the post. Capt Gus is shuddering if the LNP are re-elected.
I was responding to your post.

I voted Labor to get rid of Lil Jonny and was very happy for the first 18months of Kev and then it all turned to shit. I could have gone down the Wyong job centre and got better operators.......throw in the blatant corruption of the NSW Labor party are i'm scared to go down that path again. I also voted democrats when Cheryl and Natasha were impressive only to get burned by the moronic Meg Lees.
As a small business owner I can't see any other option than to vote Lib again, at least for the next term.


Well-Known Member
Years ago a guy suggested to change government we needed to change the sitting members... and in spite of losing some good people .... this would be interesting if it happened [BTW never will happen].

At the next election each person change their vote ... i.e. if you voted Labour vote Libs... If you voted for the Libs vote labour...

Every single sitting member would change...

The next election do the same.... all sitting members lose...

Then let the parties fight it out....

BTW I think all donations to political parties should be banned it has totally F....ed the US....


Well-Known Member
I was responding to your post.

I voted Labor to get rid of Lil Jonny and was very happy for the first 18months of Kev and then it all turned to shit. I could have gone down the Wyong job centre and got better operators.......throw in the blatant corruption of the NSW Labor party are i'm scared to go down that path again. I also voted democrats when Cheryl and Natasha were impressive only to get burned by the moronic Meg Lees.
As a small business owner I can't see any other option than to vote Lib again, at least for the next term.
Fair enough - but 18 months into Rudd's term came the GFC where Australia fared the best in the OECD.

I see the NSW Labor Party corruption as at the level of a small business that try on something. The federal LNP operates at level of where there have systemic corruption running at a multinational corporation level.

Just as an example Dastaryi was hounded out of office for a $1500 restaurant bill. The same donor gave a very senior female Liberal over $500,000 in jewelry. And that is only one small example. One website listed over 900 from 2013 - and that was before Morrison came to power.

I want a Federal ICAC and real time reporting of donations. I also want to see the scams and other rorts stopped


Well-Known Member
Just on Rudd and the GFC....

A client of mine is a former ALP sitting member in very safe labour seat [state gov BTW]

He told me years ago Rudd wanted to spend money to stop us going into recession but had no trust that the NSW labour gov would spend the money given and was so corrupt it may funnel funds spent to APL specific areas not the state as a whole.... and that the VIC Labour gov was so incompetent it would not get the funds out.

Given this he decided the Feds would take over


Well-Known Member
Feds just made the famous railway line promise...

One billion for a faster train Sydney to Newcastle.... BTW Wyong gets heaps... is Wyong a new swinging seat...

A faster rail line from Sydney to Newcastle will be a key pledge to NSW voters in the federal budget on Tuesday night in a $3.3 billion package of new and expanded projects across the state.

The rail project will receive $1 billion in federal funding to match the same amount from the NSW state government in a plan to upgrade stations at Wyong and Tuggerah, build dual-track rail bridges over the Wyong River and double capacity on that section of the line.

The budget measures will also include $336 million to expand a single-lane section of the Pacific Highway into dual carriageway at the Wyong town centre, highlighting the federal government’s focus on voters in the key electorates around the Central Coast.


Well-Known Member
Just on Rudd and the GFC....

A client of mine is a former ALP sitting member in very safe labour seat [state gov BTW]

He told me years ago Rudd wanted to spend money to stop us going into recession but had no trust that the NSW labour gov would spend the money given and was so corrupt it may funnel funds spent to APL specific areas not the state as a whole.... and that the VIC Labour gov was so incompetent it would not get the funds out.

Given this he decided the Feds would take over
That wouldn't surprise me but does go against my experience. I was president of a local P&C and the money had to go through the Dept of Commerce, the old Public Works Department. We were a large enough school and P&C to be able to project manage our BER funds and got a lot done. Smaller schools who relied on the Dept of Commerce just seemed to get expensive chook runs.

Similarly the 'pink batts' was administered under the State governments.

So while the money was Federal the administration (at least in these areas) was heavily state-based.


Well-Known Member
Feds just made the famous railway line promise...

One billion for a faster train Sydney to Newcastle.... BTW Wyong gets heaps... is Wyong a new swinging seat...

A faster rail line from Sydney to Newcastle will be a key pledge to NSW voters in the federal budget on Tuesday night in a $3.3 billion package of new and expanded projects across the state.

The rail project will receive $1 billion in federal funding to match the same amount from the NSW state government in a plan to upgrade stations at Wyong and Tuggerah, build dual-track rail bridges over the Wyong River and double capacity on that section of the line.

The budget measures will also include $336 million to expand a single-lane section of the Pacific Highway into dual carriageway at the Wyong town centre, highlighting the federal government’s focus on voters in the key electorates around the Central Coast.

That upgrade is badly needed - heading north at times can take 45 min rather than 2 going into Wyong.


Well-Known Member
That wouldn't surprise me but does go against my experience. I was president of a local P&C and the money had to go through the Dept of Commerce, the old Public Works Department. We were a large enough school and P&C to be able to project manage our BER funds and got a lot done. Smaller schools who relied on the Dept of Commerce just seemed to get expensive chook runs.

Similarly the 'pink batts' was administered under the State governments.

So while the money was Federal the administration (at least in these areas) was heavily state-based.
The story was told me by a sitting state ALP member at the time... I have no doubt he is telling the truth...

He also told me that the corruption that would come out latter was widely know and widely known by the media .... it was both proving it and not rocking the boat as it would be years before the ALP ever got elected at state level... ICAC inaction or more looking for better proof is kinda what has lead ICAC to be very aggressive to those in power now...


Well-Known Member
The story was told me by a sitting state ALP member at the time... I have no doubt he is telling the truth...

He also told me that the corruption that would come out latter was widely know and widely known by the media .... it was both proving it and not rocking the boat as it would be years before the ALP ever got elected at state level... ICAC inaction or more looking for better proof is kinda what has lead ICAC to be very aggressive to those in power now...
We were advised by our local State ALP member and the adjacent State LIB member to avoid the Department of Commerce - the stink it seems is not only at the political but bureaucratic level. Indeed the old Public Works Dept was known for it. The Department of Commerce still use the same 'preferred' builders - so you have to winder what has changed if anything. We didn't care who was supplying the money - just that we got the most we could - and that we got the biggest bang out of the funding.


Well-Known Member
Ken Ticehurst and his wife came into my work at Tuggerah when he was the member. I can't recall much of him but gees his wife left an impression on me. What an absolute entitled old cow she was.

Man Overboard

Well-Known Member
Libs have booby traps
Ever since Lawrie McKinna stood as an 'Independent' I have been wary that a vote for one is a vote for a major party. I think 'independents' are sometimes stalking horses or a way for major parties to split opposition votes. I hate the duopoly and want to protest vote before giving preference to the lesser of two evils, so I make sure I find out as much as I can about independents, and also allocate preference as I want them.

I have four young adult children who despair at never being able to but a house. Although its a one issue party I plan on voting for The Affordable Housing Party in the Senate, the Greens in the HoR [what an apt acronym] and allocating the preferences for the Greens to the 'Labor' party.



Well-Known Member
Ever since Lawrie McKinna stood as an 'Independent' I have been wary that a vote for one is a vote for a major party. I think 'independents' are sometimes stalking horses or a way for major parties to split opposition votes. I hate the duopoly and want to protest vote before giving preference to the lesser of two evils, so I make sure I find out as much as I can about independents, and also allocate preference as I want them.

I have four young adult children who despair at never being able to but a house. Although its a one issue party I plan on voting for The Affordable Housing Party in the Senate, the Greens in the HoR [what an apt acronym] and allocating the preferences for the Greens to the 'Labor' party.

Yeah indies are politically minded who dont want to join the hive mind of the majors but likely ally with the beliefs. So the preferences do flow directly there. In saying that, I was looking at some preference data and the 'teal' indies preferences flow heavily toward Labor, similarly green prefs.

So unless your local indy is UAP, ONP etc, less educated, more populist, hyper radical, its basically a labor vote.

Senate is much more convoluted. Like how Greg Best used to get back into council. Make enough deals and you'll draw the votes and nibble your senate seat.


Well-Known Member
True in one sense for the 'major' independents. But look out in seats with more than 4 candidates. It is often a tactic of the conservatives to flood the ballot box in close seats and vote harvest.

Just do your homework make sure your vote ends up where you want it.

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